Code of Conduct
The Fruitvale Elementary School Code of Conduct is designed to support the school as being a safe, caring, and orderly environment for learning and working. This would include behaviour both on school premises and during activities that are off school premises and are organized and/or sponsored by the school and behaviour beyond these times (including on-line behaviour) when it affects the safe, caring, or orderly environment of the school and/or student learning.
The school will treat seriously and promote the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and age. – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.
Please see SD20's information around Tools for Personal and Sexual Health. We encourage families to see what is taught in the classrooms so you are informed.